申请HLB-Suukee 信用卡须知
Application Requirement

Effective from 1 February 2012, applicant is required to provide the following docs as requested

  1. 身份证影印本(正面与背面) Copy of NRIC (front & back);
  2. 资料填写完整的信用卡申请表格  Completed Credit Card Application Form;
  3. 收入证明(见下表) One copy of Income Docs (refer attached list).
  4. 现有信用卡影印本Copy of Existing Credit Card

Employment Category

Income Docs required  收入文件所需
(ANY ONE of the following 其中一项如下述)

Salaried Applicant
(MNC / non-MNC)

1. Any 1 of last 6 months pay slip. Pay slips in the form of payment
vouchers (written or computer generated) are acceptable. 月薪单  或

2. Official EPF / CPF statements dated within last 12 months. Kiosk or online EPF statement is acceptable.  公积金结单  或

3. Personal bank statements where salary is credited – savings / current   
account showing any 1 of last 6 months’ transactions and reflecting salary
credited into the given account. Cash bank-in is not accepted. 银行结单 或

4. Form BE may be accepted as proof of income provided that it is supported with a payment receipt. The amount in the Form BE and the payment receipt must match 100%. 所得税呈报表格BE 或

5. Letter from current employer dated within last 6 months. 雇主证明信  或

6. EA / NOA form dated within last 12 months. EA表格  或

7. Commission statements - any 1 of the last 6 months.  佣金月结单


1. Any 1 of last 6 months pay slip. Pay slips in the form of payment
vouchers (written or computer generated) are acceptable.  月薪单   或

2. Official EPF / CPF statements dated within last 12 months. Kiosk or online EPF statement is acceptable.  公积金结单   或

3. Form B / BE may be accepted as proof of income provided it is supported with a payment receipt. The amount in the Form B / BE and the payment receipt must match 100%.   所得税呈报表格B/BE  或

4. Letter from current employer dated within 6 months. 雇主证明信   或

5. Business bank statements showing any 1 of last 6 months’ transactions. 
生意上的银行月结单   或

6. Copy of audited financial statement i.e. Profit & Loss account. 

注: 国家银行宣布申请信用卡新指南,21岁以上和月入超过2千令吉者才有

持卡人在45天内刷卡1次, 即可豁免首年政府服务税50令吉;每年刷卡至少12次,则可豁免年费。

新闻上载日期: 10/01/2011


Hong Leong Bank 联手推出的HLB-SUUKEE信用卡。


本会此次与Hong Leong Bank 破天荒合作,每成功签发一张
HLB-SUUKEE信用卡,Hong Leong Bank将拨入20 / 30令吉
(金卡/白金卡) 给招徕的的属会,以及50 / 60令吉(金卡/白金卡)予本会福利基金,协助落实本会筹募福利基金RM 500,000目标。


HLB-SUUKEE一个带有慈善与乡情元素的品牌象征,现请   台端响应总会号召,积极招徕,大家一同来乐心行善。